State Of Conveying 2023 Report

Cleaner, Safer Methods for Conveying Frozen Foods

Cleaner, Safer Methods for Conveying Frozen Foods

As the demand for frozen goods surges, food processors face the challenge of scaling operations efficiently. Central to overcoming this challenge is the conveying technology employed within these facilities. Cleaner, safer methods for conveying frozen foods are crucial for moving these products reliably. However, the diversity in industrial conveyor systems means not all are fit for every task. Cablevey Conveyors will help you make the right decisions.

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The Importance of Choosing Cleaner, Safer Methods for Conveying Frozen Foods

Choosing the right conveyor belt system is a pivotal decision for frozen food processors. It directly impacts their ability to meet rising consumer demand efficiently and sustainably.

With a variety of systems available, making an informed choice means understanding how each system handles frozen products like peas, carrots, beans, and corn. It’s also important to know its maintenance requirements and operational costs. 

This step is crucial in ensuring that food processors not only keep up with demand but also achieve their goals for energy efficiency and product quality. It lays a foundation for sustainable growth in the competitive frozen food market.

The Difference Between Positive Displacement Pneumatic Conveyors and Tubular Drag Conveying Systems

The shift from PD pneumatic conveyors to alternative conveying systems is driven by several critical factors that impact efficiency, cost, and product handling. PD pneumatic systems, while effective for certain applications, can present challenges in the frozen food processing sector. That is due to their complexity, high operational costs, and maintenance requirements. 

These systems use air pressure to move products through a pipeline, which can be energy-intensive and may risk damaging delicate frozen items. The case involving the processor of frozen peas, diced carrots, cut corn, and pinto beans exemplifies these concerns. Here’s why the transition was considered:

  • Higher throughput needs – processing facilities must scale up production efficiently as demand grows. PD pneumatic systems may only provide the flexibility or efficiency needed for increased production rates if significant energy and maintenance costs are incurred.
  • Energy efficiency – PD pneumatic conveyors can consume a lot of energy, especially in large-scale operations. Facilities looking to reduce their energy footprint and operational costs are exploring more energy-efficient conveying solutions.
  • Product integrity – the gentle handling of frozen foods is paramount to maintaining quality. These systems, relying on air pressure, can sometimes lead to product damage.
  • Maintenance and complexity – the operational complexity and maintenance requirements of these systems can lead to higher long-term costs and potential downtimes. These are critical factors for processors aiming for continuous, efficient production.

In seeking alternatives, the processor considered tubular drag conveying systems, which offer a compelling solution by addressing these challenges directly. Tubular drag conveyors provide gentle handling of products, reducing the risk of damage to delicate frozen items. They are also more energy-efficient and can be easier to maintain, making them a suitable choice for facilities prioritizing throughput, energy savings, and product integrity.

The Advantages of Tubular Drag Conveying

Tubular drag systems, like those provided by Cablevey Conveyors, stand out as an exceptional choice for frozen food processors. Our systems utilize enclosed, transparent technology, signaling a move towards operations that are more efficient and sustainable. The design of our conveyors offers numerous benefits that address the specific challenges of handling frozen products:

  • Enhanced product safety – the enclosed nature of the system significantly reduces the risk of contamination, ensuring that frozen foods remain safe and clean throughout their journey.
  • Increased efficiency – our tubular drag conveyors are designed to handle materials gently, reducing product damage and loss, which in turn optimizes operational throughput.
  • Energy efficiency – automated conveyor systems often consume less energy, contributing to lower operational costs.
  • Ease of maintenance – the simplicity of the tubular design allows for easier access and maintenance, reducing downtime and labor costs.
  • Versatility in design – a tubular conveyor can navigate complex routes, including vertical and horizontal bends, allowing for flexible facility layout planning.
  • Conveyor installation supervision – ensures precise and safe setup, optimizing belt conveyor system performance from the start.
  • Trusted belt conveyor manufacturers – Cablevey provides a wide range of clever conveyors tailored to meet specific industry needs, ensuring durability and efficiency.

Optimize Operations With Advanced Cablevey Conveyor Solutions

The transition to a tubular conveying system represents a strategic move toward optimizing frozen food processing. Our solutions address efficiency and safety concerns and incorporate features like cleaning conveyor belts and ensuring the hygiene of food products.

Transform Your Frozen Food Processing With Cablevey Conveyors

Step into the future of frozen food processing by exploring the benefits of tubular drag conveying systems. Download our white paper today to discover how advanced conveying technologies can enhance your operations. With solutions tailored to the unique demands of frozen food processing, Cablevey Conveyors provides the expertise and technology needed to elevate your productivity and product integrity. Contact us today, and let us help you achieve a cleaner, safer, and more efficient processing environment.
